Strengthening the bond between students, athletes, and educators for better educational outcomes.

We quantify the impact of teachers and coaches on the experience of youth.

The Coaching Effect Foundation is a non-profit organization that partners with educational institutions to objectively measure the experience of students and athletes. Once the student & athlete experience is quantified, we then work with educators and coaches to help them grow their coaching skills, which are proven to improve critical educational outcomes.

It’s all about the research

Our methodology begins with quantifying the experience of the students and athletes themselves using scientific assessments. This objective measurement of the personal dynamic that exists between students/athletes and their teachers/coaches is called the Coaching Effect.

Data analysis — developed over a decade of research — yields a detailed report of teaching/coaching behavioral strengths and challenges that impact educational outcomes. We then provide immediate improvement programming that is specific to the development needs of each coach and teacher in order to improve the overall student and athlete experience. This experience is considered positive when educators and coaches build trust-based connections, create psychologically safe environments, and then challenge students and athletes to maximize personal growth.

Why it matters

The experience that students have in a classroom or that athletes have in their sport directly impacts nationally recognized success measures such as attendance, graduation rates, GPAs, in-school suspension rate, and more. When the Coaching Effect is strengthened, these educational outcomes improve.

“As an AD, coaching coaches is one of the top responsibilities we have. Taking time to listen to our athletes through authentic data has allowed us to improve coaching methods in order to have a more positive impact on the student-athlete experience.”

— Brad M., High School Athletic Director


Feel free to reach out with any questions.