“Most of us have had a teacher or coach who has had such a profound impact on us that we would never be where we are now without them.

What if every single educator was that person?

Bill Eckstrom, CEF Founder

What we do: The Coaching Effect Foundation’s mission is to measure and improve the student and athlete experience. Utilizing proven research methodologies, we assist educational institutions in understanding how their educators are affecting student outcomes. In other words, we provide necessary data and coaching to administrators, teachers, and coaches so they can make sure all kids are maximizing success in school and sports.

Who we work with: CEF partners with local schools, districts, state boards, national associations, and more. The common thread our partners have is a resolute desire to know the impact of their teachers, coaches, and administrators, along with a determined goal to improve educational outcomes.

How we do it: Our process begins with understanding the experience through the eyes of the students and athletes themselves using proprietary, validated assessments. This objective measurement quantifies the personal dynamic between students/athletes and their educators. We call this the Coaching Effect. 

Data analysis — developed over a decade of research — yields a detailed report of teaching/coaching behavioral strengths and challenges that impact educational outcomes. We then provide immediate improvement programming that is specific to the development needs of each coach and teacher in order to improve the overall student and athlete experience. This experience is considered positive when educators and coaches build trust-based connections, create psychologically safe environments, and then challenge students and athletes to maximize personal growth.

Why it matters: The experience that students have in a classroom or that athletes have in their sport directly impacts nationally recognized success measures such as attendance, graduation rates, GPAs, in-school suspension rate, and more. When the Coaching Effect is strengthened, these educational outcomes improve.